\( \def\RR{\bf R} \def\real{\mathbb{R}} \def\bold#1{\bf #1} \def\d{\mbox{Cord}} \def\hd{\widehat \mbox{Cord}} \DeclareMathOperator{\cov}{cov} \DeclareMathOperator{\var}{var} \DeclareMathOperator{\cor}{cor} \newcommand{\ac}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}} \DeclareMathOperator{\Ex}{\mathbb{E}} \DeclareMathOperator{\diag}{diag} \)

From Big Data to Knowledge:

Brain, Twitter, and Beyond

Xi (Rossi) Luo

Brown University
Department of Biostatistics
Center for Statistical Sciences
Computation in Brain and Mind
Brown Institute for Brain Science
Brown Data Science Initiative

Brown University, ADOCH
April 19, 2017

Slides at bit.ly/data1704

Big Data and Brain

  • 100 million ( $10^{11}$) neurons
  • 100 trillion ( $10^{14}$) neuronal connections

fMRI data: blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) signals from each cube/voxel (~millimeters), $10^5$ ~ $10^6$ voxels in total.

Complex Data: fMRI Studies

Sub 1, Sess 1

Time 1



Sub i, Sess j

Sub ~100, Sess ~4

Large, multilevel (subject, sess, voxel) data
$100 \times 4 \times 300 \times 10^6 \approx 100 $ billion data points

Predicting Cocaine Relapses

Image: Luo et al, 13

Complex Models: Brain Networks

Find brain networks with 1 trillion ( $10^{12}$) possible connections

Image: Liu and Luo, 15

Course: Stat Learning and Big Data

Applied Mathematics + Computer Science + Statistics

Thanks to the support of Office of the Provost, the Sheridan Center, and School of Professional Studeis

"Youtube" in Class

Video tutorials on cloud computing, Hadoop, and many other big data technologies

Case Study: Twitter

Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

Imge: wikipedia

Excerpt of Data

Jaime Zhang, student in SMBD

Statistical test: $p \lt 10^{-4}$

Jaime Zhang, student in SMBD

Undergraduate Research


  • Big data extraction and management
  • Complex mathematical modeling
  • Extract knowledge from data
  • Course PHP 2650 SLBD covers the above points
  • Research projects for undergraduates

Thank you!

Big ComplexData.com