\( \def\RR{\bf R} \def\real{\mathbb{R}} \def\bold#1{\bf #1} \def\d{\mbox{Cord}} \def\hd{\widehat \mbox{Cord}} \DeclareMathOperator{\cov}{cov} \DeclareMathOperator{\var}{var} \DeclareMathOperator{\cor}{cor} \newcommand{\ac}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}} \DeclareMathOperator{\Ex}{\mathbb{E}} \DeclareMathOperator{\diag}{diag} \)

Network Clustering with an Application to fMRI

Xi (Rossi) LUO

Brown University
Department of Biostatistics
Center for Statistical Sciences
Computation in Brain and Mind
Brown Institute for Brain Science
Brown Data Science Initiative
ABCD Research Group

ICSA, Vancouver, Canada
August 19, 2017

Funding: NSF/DMS (BD2K) 1557467; NIH R01EB022911, P20GM103645, P01AA019072, P30AI042853


Florentina Bunea

Florentina Bunea
Cornell University

Florentina Bunea

Christophe Giraud
Paris Sud University

fMRI data: blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) signals from each cube/voxel (~millimeters), $10^5$ ~ $10^6$ voxels in total.

Data Matrix

  • Matrix $X_{n \times p}$, all columns standardized
    • $n$ time points but temporal correlation removed, like iid
    • $p$ voxels but with spatial corraltion
  • Interested in big spatial networks
    • Voxel level: $10^6 \times 10^6$ cov matrix but limited interpretability

"Network of Networks"

  • Hierarchical Covariance Model (a latent var model)
  • Some ongoing research related to this model
    • How to cluster variables together?
    • How to estimate cluster signals?
    • How to estimate between-cluster connections?
  • This talk on how to group(clustering) nodes
    • Usually NP-hard and limited theory


Example: SP 100 Data

  • Daily returns from stocks in SP 100
    • Stocks listed in Standard & Poor 100 Indexas of March 21, 2014
    • between January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2008
  • Each stock is a variable
  • Cov/Cor matrices (Pearson's or Kendall's tau)
    • Re-order stocks by clusters
    • Compare cov patterns with different clustering/ordering

Cor after Grouping by Clusters

Our $G$-models

Ours yields stronger off-diagonal, tile patterns. Black = 1.
Color bars: variable groups/clusters
Off-diagonal: correlations across clusters

Clustering Results

Industry Ours Kmeans Hierarchical Clustering
Telecom ATT, Verizon ATT, Verizon, Pfizer, Merck, Lilly, Bristol-Myers ATT, Verizon
Railroads Norfolk Southern, Union Pacific Norfolk Southern, Union Pacific Norfolk Southern, Union Pacific, Du Pont, Dow, Monsanto
Home Improvement Home Depot, Lowe’s Home Depot, Lowe’s, Starbucks Home Depot, Lowe’s, Starbucks, Costco, Target, Wal-Mart, FedEx, United Parcel Service
All methods yield 30 clusters.



  • Let ${X} \in \real^p$ be a zero mean random vector
  • Divide variables into partitions/clusters
    • Example: $\{ \{X_1, X_3, X_7\}, \{X_2, X_5\}, \dotsc \}$
  • Theoretical: define uniquely identifiable partition $G$ such that all $X_a$ in $G_k$ are statistically "similar"
  • DS: find "helpful" partition that show cov patterns

Related Methods

  • Clustering: Kmeans and hierarchical clustering
    • Advantages: fast, general, popular
    • Limitations: low signal-noise-ratio, theory
  • Community detection: huge literature see review Newman, 2003 but start with observed adjacency matrices


Low noise

High noise

  • Cluster points together if pairwise distance small
  • Clustering accuracy depends on the noise

Kmeans: Generative Model

  • Data $X_{n\times p}$: $p$ variables from partition $G$: $$G=\{ \{X_1, X_3, X_7\}, \{X_2, X_5\}, \dotsc \}$$
  • Mixture Gaussian: if variable $X_j \in \real^n$ comes from cluster $G_k$ Hartigan, 1975 $$X_{j} = Z_k + \epsilon_j, \quad Z_k \bot \epsilon_j $$
  • Kmeans minimizes over $G$ (and centroid $Z$): $$\sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{j\in G_k} \left\| X_j - Z_k \right\|_2^2 $$
Strictly, Kmeans considers data points in $\real^p$ from $K$ populations

$G$-Latent Cov

  • We call $G$-latent model: $$X_{j} = Z_k + \epsilon_j, \quad Z_k \bot \epsilon_j \mbox{ and } j\in G_k $$
  • WLOG, all variables are standardized
  • Intuition: variables $j\in G_k$ form net communitiesLuo, 2014

Matrix Representation

$$ X_{n\times p}=\underbrace{Z_{n\times k}}_\text{Source/Factor} \quad \underbrace{G_{k\times p}}_\text{Mixing/Loading} + \underbrace{E_{n\times p}}_{Error} \qquad Z \bot E$$

  • Clustering: $G$ is $0/1$ matrix for $k$ clusters/ROIs
  • Decomposition: under conditions
    • PCA/factor analysis: orthogonality
    • ICA: orthogonality → independence
    • matrix decomposition: e.g. non-negativity

  • Our model identifiable even if $\cor(Z_1, Z_2) \ne 0$
    • Two brain clusters red/blue talk to each other
  • Identifiable if "$\cor(Z_1, Z_2) \gt \var(Z_1)\gt \var(Z_2)$"
  • Other models identifiable usually if $\cor(Z_1, Z_2) = 0$

Principals Behind Other Clustering

  • The Euclidean distance for hierarchical clustering and Kmeans, for two columns/voxles $X_a$ and $X_b$: $$ \|X_a - X_b \|_2^2 = 2(1-\cor(X_a, X_b)) $$
  • Cluster $a$ and $b$ based on these two variables only, and this is NOT what we will consider in $G$-models
    • Recall $X_i = Z_k + E_i$ $i \in G_k$
    • Cor depends mainly on $\var(E)$ if SNR is low
    • Distance
      • larger even if generated by same $Z$ and large error
      • smaller even if generated by different $Z$ and small error
    • Worse, clusters close because of correlated $Z$

Latent Var $\rightarrow$ Block Cov

Example: $G$-Block

  • Set $G=\ac{\ac{1,2};\ac{3,4,5}}$, $X \in \real^p$ has $G$-block cov
    $$\Sigma =\left(\begin{array}{ccccc} {\color{red} D_1} & {\color{red} C_{11} }&C_{12} & C_{12}& C_{12}\\ {\color{red} C_{11} }&{\color{red} D_1 }& C_{12} & C_{12}& C_{12} \\ C_{12} & C_{12} &{\color{green} D_{2}} & {\color{green} C_{22}}& {\color{green} C_{22}}\\ C_{12} & C_{12} &{\color{green} C_{22}} &{\color{green} D_2}&{\color{green} C_{22}}\\ C_{12} & C_{12} &{\color{green} C_{22}} &{\color{green} C_{22}}&{\color{green} D_2} \end{array}\right) $$
  • Matrix math: $\Sigma = G^TCG + d$
  • We allow $|C_{11} | \lt | C_{12} |$ or $C \prec 0$
    • Kmeans/HC leads to block-diagonal cor matrices (permutation)
  • Clustering based on $G$-Block
    • Generalizing $G$-Latent which requires $C\succ 0$

Minimum $G$ Partition

Theorem: $G^{\beta}(X)$ is the minimal partition induced by $a\stackrel{G^{\beta}}{\sim} b$
iff $\var(X_{a})=\var(X_{b})$ and $\cov(X_{a},X_{c})=\cov(X_{b},X_{c})$ for all $c\neq a,b$. Moreover, if the matrix of covariances $C$ corresponding to the partition $G(X)$ is positive-semidefinite, then this is the unique minimal partition according to which ${X}$ admits a latent decomposition.

The minimal partition is unique under regularity conditions.


New Metric: CORD

  • First, pairwise correlation distance (like Kmeans)
    • Gaussian copula: $$Y:=(h_1(X_1),\dotsc,h_p(X_p)) \sim N(0,R)$$
    • Let $R$ be the correlation matrix
    • Gaussian: Pearson's
    • Gaussian copula: Kendall's tau transformed, $R_{ab} = \sin (\frac{\pi}{2}\tau_{ab})$
  • Second, maximum difference of correlation distances $$\d(a,b) := \max_{c\neq a,b}|R_{ac}-R_{bc}|$$
  • Third, group variables $a$, $b$ together if $\d(a,b) = 0$

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Image credit: http://sutherland-careers.com/

Algorithm: Main Idea

  • Greedy: one cluster at a time, avoiding NP-hard
  • Cluster variables together if CORD metric $$ \max_{c\neq a,b}|\hat{R}_{ac}-\hat{R}_{bc}| \lt \alpha$$ where $\alpha$ is a tuning parameter
  • $\alpha$ is chosen by theory or CV



Let $\eta \geq 0$ be given. Let ${ X}$ be a zero mean random vector with a Gaussian copula distribution with parameter $R$. $$ \begin{multline} \mathcal{R}(\eta) := \{R: \ \d(a,b) := \max_{c\neq a,b}|R_{ac}-R_{bc}|>\eta\quad \\ \textrm{for all}\ a\stackrel{G(X)}{\nsim}b.\} \end{multline} $$ Group separation condition: $R \in \mathcal{R}(\eta)$.

The signal strength $\eta$ need to be large.


Theorem: Define $\tau=|\widehat R-R|_{\infty}$ and we consider two parameters $(\alpha,\eta)$ fulfilling $$\begin{equation} \alpha\geq 2\tau\quad\textrm{and}\quad \eta\geq2\tau+\alpha. \end{equation}$$ Then, applying our algorithm we have $\widehat G=G(X)$ whp.

Ours recovers exact clustering with high probability.


Theorem: $P_{\Sigma}$ the likelihood based on $n$ independent observations of ${ X} \stackrel{d}{=} \mathcal{N}(0,\Sigma)$. For any \begin{equation}\label{etamin} 0\leq \eta \lt \eta^{*}:={\sqrt{\log(p(p-1)/2)}\over \sqrt{(2+e^{-1})n} +\sqrt{\log(p(p-1)/2)}}\,, \end{equation} we have $$\inf_{\widehat G}\sup_{R \in \mathcal{R}(\eta)} P_{\Sigma}(\widehat G\neq G^{\beta}(X))\geq {1\over 2e+1}\geq {1\over 7} \,,$$ where the infimum is taken over all possible estimators.

Our method is minimax optimal.

Choosing Number of Clusters

  • Split data into 3 parts
  • Use part 1 of data to estimate clusters $\hat{G}$ for each $\alpha$
  • Use part 2 to compute between variable difference $$ \delta^{(2)}_{ab} = R_{ac}^{(2)} - R_{bc}^{(2)}, \quad c \ne a, b. $$
  • Use part 3 to generate "CV" loss $$ \mbox{CV}(\hat{G}) = \sum_{a \lt b} \| \delta^{(3)}_{ab} - \delta^{(2)}_{ab} 1\{ a \mbox{ not clustered w/ } b \} \|^2_\infty. $$
  • Pick $\alpha$ with the smallest loss above

Theory for CV

Theorem: If either: (i) $X$ is sub-Gaussian with correlation matrix $R$; or (ii) $X$ has a copula distribution with copula correlation matrix $R$, then we have $E[\mbox{CV}(G^*)] \lt E[\mbox{CV}(G)]$, for any $G\ne G^*$.
Theoretical support for selecting $G^*$ from data.



  • Generate from various $C$: block, sparse, negative
  • Compare:
    • Exact recovery of groups (theoretical tuning parameter)
    • Cross validation (data-driven tuning parameter)
    • Cord metric vs (semi)parametetric cor (regardless of tuning)

Exact Recovery



Different models for $C$="$\cov(Z)$" and $\alpha = 2 n^{-1/2} \log^{1/2} p$

Vertical lines: theoretical sample size based on our lower bound

HC and Kmeans fail even if inputting the true $K$.

Cross Validation

Recovery % in red and CV loss in black.

CV selects the constants to yield close to 100% recovery, as predicted by our theory (at least for large $n>200$)

Real Data

fMRI Studies

Sub 1, Sess 1

Time 1



Sub i, Sess j

Sub ~100, Sess ~4

This talk: one subject, two sessions (to test replicability)

Functional MRI

  • fMRI matrix: BOLD from different brain regions
    • Variable: different brain regions
    • Sample: time series (after whitening or removing temporal correlations)
    • Clusters of brain regions
  • Two data matrices from two scan sessions OpenfMRI.org
  • Use Power's 264 regions/nodes

Test Prediction/Reproducibilty

  • Find partitions using the first session data
  • Average each block cor to improve estimation
  • Compare with the cor matrix from the second scan $$ \| Avg_{\hat{G}}(\hat{\Sigma}_1) - \hat{\Sigma}_2 \|$$ where we used $\hat{G}$ to do block-averaging.
  • Difference is smaller if clustering $\hat{G}$ is better

Vertical lines: fixed (solid) and data-driven (dashed) thresholds

Smaller replication difference for almost all $K$

Visual-motor task!


  • Cov + clustering = Connectivity + ROI
    • Identifiability, accuracy, optimality
  • $G$-models: $G$-latent, $G$-block, $G$-exchangeable
  • New metric, method, and theory
  • Paper: google "cord clustering"(arXiv 1508.01939)
  • R package: cord on CRAN

Thank you!

Comments? Questions?

Slides at: BigComplexData.com

or BrainDataScience.com