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Pathway Lasso : Estimate and Select Multiple Mediation Pathways
Xi (Rossi) LUO
Brown University
Department of Biostatistics
Center for Statistical Sciences
Computation in Brain and Mind
Brown Institute for Brain Science
Brown Data Science Initiative
ABCD Research Group
IBC, Barcelona Spain
July 10, 2018
Funding: NIH R01EB022911, P20GM103645, P01AA019072, P30AI042853; NSF/DMS (BD2K) 1557467
Yi Zhao
Currently postdoc at Johns Hopkins Biostat
Slides viewable on web:
bit.ly /ibc1807
Motivating Example: Task fMRI
Task fMRI: performs tasks under brain scanning
Story vs Math task:
listen to story (treatment stimulus) or math questions (control), eye closed
Not resting-state: "rest" in scanner
Goal: how brain processes story/math differently?
Like this talk: want to know your brain processed
fMRI data : blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) signals from each
cube /voxel (~millimeters),
$10^5$ ~ $10^6$ voxels in total.
Lego brain of real brain
red cube is a voxel
track activity from each cube at each time vector
dimension: address temporal separately
Conceptual Model with Stimulus
Sci Goal : quantify
red ,
blue , and other pathways
from stimulus to orange outcome region activityHeim et al, 09
Other Potential Applications
Multiple genetic pathways
Integrating multiple sources
Common theme: many potential pathways/mediators to disease outcomes
Mediation Analysis and SEM
$$\begin{align*}M = Z a + { \epsilon_1}, \qquad R = Z c + M b + { \epsilon_2}\end{align*}$$
Indirect effect: $a \times b$; direct : $c$
Mediation analysis
Baron&Kenny, 86; Sobel, 82; Holland 88; Preacher&Hayes 08; Imai et al, 10; VanderWeele, 15;...
Multiple (Full) Pathway Model Daniel et al, 14
Stimulus $Z$, $K$ mediating brain regions $M_1, \dotsc, M_K$, Outcome region $R$
Strength of activation ($a_k$) and connectivity ($b_k$, $d_{ij}$)
Potential outcomes too complex, e.g. $K = 2$ Daniel et al, 14
Practical Considerations
The previous model requires specifying the order of mediators, usually unknown in many experiments
We don't know yet the order of brain regions
fMRI: not enough temporal resolution to determine the order
Theoretically and computationally challenging with a large number of mediators
High dimensional (large $p$, small $n$) setting: $K>n$
Mediation Analysis in fMRI
Parametric Wager et al, 09 and functional Lindquist, 12 mediation, under (approx.) independent errors
Stimulus $\rightarrow$ brain $\rightarrow$ user reported ratings, one mediator
Usual assumption: $U=0$ and $\epsilon_1 \bot \epsilon_2$
Parametric and multilevel mediation Yi and Luo, 15 , with correlated errors for two brain regions
Stimulus $\rightarrow$ brain region A $\rightarrow$ brain region B, one mediator
Correlations between $\epsilon_1$ and $\epsilon_2$
This talk: multiple mediator and multiple pathways
High dimensional: more mediators than sample size
Dimension reduction: optimization Chen et al, 15 , testing Huang et al, 16
Our Reduced Pathway Model
$$\scriptsize \begin{align}M_k & = Z A_k + E_{1k},\, k=1,\dotsc, K\\ \scriptsize R & = Z C + \sum_{k=1}^{K} M_k B_k + E_2 \end{align}$$
$A_k$: "total" effect of $Z$→$M_k$; $B_k$: $M_k$→R
Pathway effect: $A_k \times B_k$; Direct: $C$
Two Models
Full Model
Reduced Model
Proposition : Our "total-effect" parameters are linearly related or equivalent to the "individual-effect" parameters in the full model
$C=c$ and $B_k=b_k$, $k=1,\dotsc, K$, are the same in both models
$A_k$ and $a_k$ in two models are linearly related
$A_k \times B_k$ interpreted as the "total" effect when $M_k$ is the last mediator Imai & Yamamoto, 13
Additional Relation to Full Model
Proposition : Our $E_k$'s are correlated, but won't affect point estimation consistency (affect variance)
The price of ignoring the order
Related to causally independent mediators if assuming indepdent $E_k$
Reduced model: a first step to select mediators
Strong overall inflow/outflow of a mediator
Causal Assumptions
We impose standard causal mediation assumptions:
Model correctly specified
Observed is one reliazation of the potential outcomes
Randomized $Z$
No unmeasured confounding/sequential ignorability
Similar assumptions discussed in Imai & Yamamoto, 13; Daniel et al, 14; VanderWeele, 15
Could be too strong or sensitivity analysis Imai & Yamamoto, 13
Regularized Regression
Minimize the penalized least squares criterion
$$\scriptsize \sum_{k=1}^K \| M_k - Z A_k \|_2^2 + \| R - Z C - \sum_k M_k B_k \|_2^2 + \mbox{Pen}(A, B)$$
The choice of penalty $\mbox{Pen}(\cdot)$ to be discussed
All data are normalized (mean=0, sd=1)
Want to select sparse
pathways for high-dim $K$
Alternative approach: two-stage LASSO Tibshirani, 96 to select sparse
$A_k$ and
$B_k$ separately: $$ \scriptsize \sum_{k=1}^K \| M_k - Z A_k \|_2^2 + \lambda \sum_k | A_k | \\ \scriptsize \| R - Z C - \sum_k M_k B_k \|_2^2 + \lambda \sum_k |B_k| $$
Penalty: Pathway LASSO
Select strong pathways effects: $A_k \times B_k$
TS-LASSO: shrink to zero when $A$&$B$ moderate but $A\times B$ large
Penalty (prototype) $$ \scriptsize \lambda \sum_{k=1}^K |A_k B_k| $$
Non-convex in $A_k$ and $B_k$
Computationally heavy and non-unique solutions
Hard to prove theory
We propose the following general class of penalties$$ \scriptsize \lambda \sum_{k=1}^K ( |A_k B_k| + \phi A_k^2 + \phi B_k^2) $$
Theorem $$v(a,b) = |a b| + \phi (a^2 + b^2)$$ is convex
if and only if $\phi\ge 1/2$. Strictly convex if $\phi > 1/2$.
Contour Plot of Different Penalties
Non-differentiable at points when $a\times b = 0$
Shrink $a\times b$ to zero
Special cases: $\ell_1$ or $\ell_2$
TS-LASSO: different $|ab|$ effects though $|a|+|b|$ same
$|ab|+\phi (a^2 + b^2)$
Pathway Lasso
$|a| + |b|$
Two-stage Lasso
Pathway Lasso is a family of (convex) penalties for products
Algorithm: ADMM + AL
SEM/regression loss: $u$; Non-differnetiable penalty: $v$
ADMM to address differentiability $$ \begin{aligned} \text{minimize} \quad & u(\Theta,D)+v(\alpha,\beta) \\ \text{subject to} \quad & \Theta=\alpha, \\ & D=\beta, \\ & \Theta e_{1}=1, \end{aligned}$$
Augmented Lagrangian for multiple constraints
Iteratively update the parameters
We derive theorem on explicit (not simple) updates
Asymptotic Theory
Theorem: Under regularity conditions,
$$ \Ex (Z \sum_k \hat{A}_k\hat{B}_k - Z \sum_k {A}^*_k {B}^*_k )^2 \le O(s \kappa \sigma n ^{-1/2} (\log K)^{1/2}), $$
where $s = \#\{j: B_j^* \ne 0\}$ and $\kappa =\max_j |B_j| $.
With high probability,
$$ \| \hat{A} \hat{B} - A^* B^* \| \le O(s \kappa \sigma n ^{-1/2} (\log K)^{1/2})$$
Mixed norm penalty $$\mbox{PathLasso} + \omega \sum_k (|A_k| + |B_k|)$$
Tuning parameter selection by cross validation
Reduce false positives via thresholding Johnston and Lu, 09
Inference/CI : bootstrap after refitting
Remove false positives with CIs covering zero Bunea et al, 10
Our PathLasso compares with TSLasso
Simulate with varying error correlations
Tuning-free comparison: performance vs tuning parameter (estimated effect size)
PathLasso outperforms under CV
Pathway Recovery
F1 Score
Our PathLasso (red ) outperforms two-stage Lasso (blue )
Other curves: variants of PathLasso and correlation settings
Data: Human Connectome Project
Two sessions (LR/RL), story/math task Binder et al, 11
gICA reduces voxel dimensions to 76 brain maps
ROIs/clusters after thresholding
Apply to two sess separately, compare replicability
Jaccard: whether selected pathways in two runs overlap
$\ell_2$ diff: difference between estimated path effects
Tuning-free comparisons
$\ell_2$ Diff
Regardless of tuning, our PathLasso (red ) has smaller replication diff (selection and estimation) than TSLasso (blue )
Stim-M25-R and Stim-M65-R significant shown largest weight areas
M65 responsible for language processing, larger flow under story
M25 responsible for uncertainty, larger flow under math
High dimensional pathway model
Penalized SEM for pathway selection and estimation
Convex optimization for non-convex products
Sufficient and necessary condition
Algorithmic development for complex optimization
Improved estimation and selection accuracy
Higher replicability using HCP data
Pathway Lasso (arXiv 1603.07749 )
Limitations: causal assumptions, covaraites, interactions, error correlations Rpkg: macc , time series gma , functional cfma
Thank you!
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